We are Robe volunteers, caring for our wild spaces.

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Good evening all,

Hope your weekend is going well.  We've got a couple activity options for tomorrow: 

For our regular work session, we're planning to do a short beach clean-up at the northern end of the park and should be done around 4pm. Meeting at the FOLD nursery at 3pm as usual for this one.

Many members are planning to attend the bird watching event at Freshwater Lake @ 5pm - "Birds of Little Dip Conservation Park, with our Bird Lover in Residence" Hugh Possingham. - See https://www.naturefestival.org.au/event/birds-of-little-dip-conservation-park-with-our-bird-lover-in-residence for more information on this event).

Hope to see you tomorrow. Thanks!


Good afternoon everyone.

For our weekly work session tomorrow we'll be pruning / trimming along the Freshwater Lake walking trail. We'll meet at the FOLD nursery at 3pm as usual, and head out together from there.

Also, we're looking for a couple volunteers to help Tuesday & Wednesday this week with polygala survey and control in/near the park. This is part of our weed control project alongside the Burrandies Indigenous crew and the DEW. Please let me know if you're interested in helping either/both of these days!

Hope to see you tomorrow! Thanks very much.


And: thanks to the great crew last week, we picked up a HUGE amount of trash from the beach north of Long Gully. (pictures in prior post)

Long Gully beach cleanup

Great crew, sunny day.... and a huge trash haul from the beach north of Long Gully. Great work all!

crew loaded up , piles and piles , nice day ... for picking up trash! , on the move , Crew loaded up

Had a great afternoon with the crew from Wombats SA @ Cullen Reserve. We pulled polygala which has been a problem in the reserve for some time. Not everyone's favorite activity, but very satisfying to pile up a big pile and see your progress! I didn't get a picture of the polygala... but here's one of a beatiful green hooded orchid we came across in the reserve.

green hooded orchid

The crew from Wombats SA is down here in Robe this week working on the weeds @ Cullen Reserve. FOLD members have helped out on similar occasions over the years, and they would be very happy to have any assistance tomorrow or Wednesday if anyone is keen! Please let me know if you'd like to help out either day (I'll be heading over there tomorrow after lunch for at least a couple hours.)

For more information on this very special Robe conservation area, as well as Wombats SA (the organization that owns it) check out https://wombatssa.org.au/our-reserves/cullen/

Good evening all,

Just a quick reminder for our work session tomorrow. We've got a beach clean-up planned - north of Long Gully (on a beach we haven't been to for a while). We'll meet at the FOLD nursery at 3pm, as usual, and head out together from there.

Bring a hat, a water bottle and a friend!

Thanks very much and hope to see you there. Roland

Friends of Little Dip Robe have been very busy during these past winter months planting 600 trees and bush plants in our Robe conservation areas.  Among some of the plants are Melaleuca lanceolata (Dryland Tea Tree), Allocasuarina verticillata (Drooping Sheoak), Eucalyptus diversifolia (Coastal Mallee), Olearia axillaris (Coastal Rosemary), Myoporum Insulare (Boobiala) and Leucophyta brownii (Cushion Bush) propogated by FOLD volunteers from cuttings taken in the park last year.

Volunteer planting trees , Volunteer planting trees , Volunteer planting trees , Volunteer planting trees , Volunteer planting trees , Volunteer planting trees , Volunteer planting trees , Volunteer planting trees , Volunteer planting trees

Had a great crew out today, we fixed up a coastal track section that had some damage - just down by the  where the track meets the beach. Maintaining the marked track in areas like this (especially this close to the beach) prevents "blow-outs" and the eventual widespread loss of vegetation in the foredune. We appreciate everyone that sticks  to the tracks! (as most do). Also did a beach and dune cleanup along Erringtons beach, amazing how much plastic turns up in just a week (since we were last here).

Fence repair , Fence repair , Fence repaired , Track cleanup , Beach cleanup , Erringtons beach , Taking a break , All done, what a beautiful place

Good evening all,

Just a quick reminder for our work session tomorrow. We'll be headed back to Erringtons Hole to fix up some track / dune protection fencing. Meet at 3pm at the FOLD nursery and we'll head out together from there!

Thanks and hope to see you tomorrow.


Pretty nice day to be out in the park today. We planted out a new small coastal reveg area towards the end of Erringtons Hole track and then a track and beach clean-up. Well done crew! (also found a couple sections of damaged track fence which will be next week's project.)

Reveg going in , Track and beach clean-up , Erringtons Hole beach