We are Robe volunteers, caring for our wild spaces.

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The new posters of Friends of Little Dip are out! 

New poster

Today we split into two groups: one group did a great job fixing the fence on part of the coastal track and another group kept the work at the nursery going.  Another fabulous day spent together caring for our conservation park and our plants! Thank you all! 

track on park , volunteers in the park , volunteers in the nursery , plant

Good evening all, I hope your weekend is going well so far.

Just a quick reminder for our work session tomorrow. We've got nursery projects (we continue to make some great progress with seedling trays for next year) and we've also got a track fence repair project to complete out in the park. Hoping to have enough crew to do both.

Meet at the nursery @ 3pm as usual and go from there.

Thanks very much.


Fun days at the nursery this month! Our awesome volunteers - thank you guys, so much - have been repotting seedlings that will go on sale to the public, have been caring for our new seedlings in the shade house, checking and fixing the irrigation, taking measurements for future renovations and maintaining the space nice and clean.

volunteers planting seedlings , volunteers planting seedlings , volunteers planting seedlings , plants , seedlings , volunteers planting seedlings , volunteers planting seedlings , volunteer planting seedlings , volunteer in the shade house

Good evening all,

Just a quick reminder for our weekly work session tomorrow - we'll continue with seedlings trays, repotting trees, and other projects at the nursery. We've had a couple weeks there now and made some really great progress - many thanks to everyone who's come along!

Meeting @ 3pm at the FOLD nursery, as usual.

With all the best.


We had a great crew at the nursery last Sunday: we cleaned up and planted a few pots of cushion bushes, dianella grass and olearia. We planted many trays of muntries and native rosemary from cuttings. We also trasplanted seedlings of tea trees and sheoaks.

Next Sunday we will continue with seedlings trays, repotting trees, and other projects at the nursery. Come by and meet us there at 3pm.

volunteers planting seedlings , volunteers planting seedlings , volunteers planting seedlings , lizard , nursery

Good evening all, I hope your weekend is going well so far.

Just a quick reminder for our work session tomorrow. We have seeding / cutting trays to fill and a beach cleanup if the crew in attendance is keen! We'll meet at the nursery at 3pm and go from there.

Thanks very much.


Today we did more planting at the FOLD nursery focusing on coastal species like Olearia axillaris (coastal rosemary) and Leucophyta brownii (cushion bush).  Thank you Roland, Tony and Trent!

volunteers in the nursery

Good evening all.

Just a quick reminder for our regular Sunday work session tomorrow, and a couple more updates below. 

Sunday work session: We'll continue on with more planting at the FOLD nursery tomorrow. We'll be focusing on coastal species like Olearia axillaris (coastal rosemary) and Leucophyta brownii (cushion bush). Getting started as usual at 3pm.

Organization team - regular meeting poll: As discussed during the AGM, we would like to start meeting monthly to work together on organizational items and admin tasks. This includes regular tasks like record-keeping, project management (grant applications, planning and reporting), special projects (like looking into the FOLD bench idea that has been proposed for Lake Robe), community engagement, etc etc. If you are interested in participating in these types of activities, please fill out the poll here: https://robefold.org/form/regular-admin-working-time so we can find a time that works best.

Nursery clean-up: Thanks to Charles and Helen for coming in to clean up the nursery. It looks great and with all the room we can now start planning on how to use the space... another shade house perhaps!?

New members: We've had a number of new regular members join our Sunday work sessions over the last 6 months. It's been really fun getting to know everyone and it's amazing how much work we can get done with an expanded group! If you know anyone in the community who might be interested in joining in, please invite them!

Thanks very much and hope to see you tomorrow.


Good evening all,

Just a quick reminder for our work session tomorrow. We've got a couple possibile activities: beach clean-up or weed control out at Woakwine Conservation Park.

Meeting at 3pm at the FOLD nursery as usual, and head out together from there.

