
Fixed fence + beach cleanup @ Errington's

Look at this great group of volunteers! Most of them have been volunteering for many years and just know what to do and how to do it. Thank you all! You are absolutely fantastic!

volunters on the beach , volunters on the beach , volunters on the beach , volunters on the beach , volunters on the beach , volunters on the beach , volunters on the beach , volunters on the beach

Good evening all,

Just a quick note about our work session tomorrow. It looks like we may have some weather in the afternoon. If conditions allow, we have a fencing project at Erringtons Beach to do, and can also take the opportunity to do a clean-up in the same area as well.

We'll meet at the FOLD Nursery at 3pm and head out from there.

Hope to see you then!

Thanks. Roland

Good evening all,

I hope you're having a nice weekend so far. Just a quick reminder for our work session tomorrow afternoon. We're planning to work at the re-vegetation sites at Long Gully (including the new fenced area we established earlier this year). 

We'll meet at the nursery at 3pm and head out from there. Hope to see you there!

With many thanks.


Davidson's property tour + beach clean-up at Third Ramp.

At the end of today's session we stayed to surf and some stayed to watch and hang out.

people walking in the bush , beach view

Good afternoon all, I hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather. Just a quick reminder for our "field trip!" and work session tomorrow afternoon.

For those interested, we'll meet at the Davidson's property at 2pm for a hang-out and walk around, to see the re-vegetation (and an emu or two!?) on this very special piece of land. The property is on the SW side of the third ramp turn-off, now known as "Steve Woolston rd" (on the highway towards Kingston)  

At 3pm we'll head down the road to third ramp for a beach clean-up. 

Bring a hat, water, and a friend! Hope to see you there.


Good evening all,

Thanks to everyone who came out last week, we had a windy beach clean up from West Beach to Matches and saw two pairs of Hooded Plovers along the way!

Tomorrow, we've got a small fencing project at the Gums, or, if we get rained out, we have seedling trays to plant at the nursery. Meet at 3pm as usual at the FOLD nursery.

For next week's (November 6th) work session, we've got a special meet-up planned at the Davidson's property, and then a beach clean-up at Third Ramp. Everyone is invited to come to the Davidson property (SW block @ the third ramp turnoff) around 2pm to hang out and check out the amazing revegetation efforts underway. Then we'll head down the street to the beach for a clean-up around 3pm. I'll send out another reminder about this during the week.

With many thanks!


It was windy and the cold has returned .... but there is FOLD... and what a wonderful incentive to get out of the house, walk these beautiful beaches and laugh a little.  

It warms the inside with pleasure being together, keeping our beaches clean, breathing in the fresh sea air, fill our senses with the power of nature which we can enjoy in its vivid colors, crashing sounds and majestic wild views.

And we saw Hooded Plovers.


A special thanks to John and Malcom, two of our most dedicated regular volunteers, that always show up with a smile, a passionate love for the beauty of this nature and are such fun to be around! 

volunteers in a windy rainy beach , volunteers in a windy rainy beach , volunteers in a windy rainy beach , volunteers in a windy rainy beach , boy , volunteers in a windy rainy beach , plovers , trash and volunteers , trash , trash

Good evening all,

Just a quick reminder for our work session this afternoon, we're meeting as usual - 3PM at the FOLD nursery. We have weeding projects, beach clean-ups and a pruning walk at Freshwater Lake as options!

The last couple weeks we've made good progress on planting and maintenance at the nursery. And we're on track to have a great number of seedlings for revegetation efforts next year.

Thanks and hope to see you this afternoon!


Today we stayed at the Nursery and planted lots of cuttings in the trays!

A huge thank you to Helen, pictured next to Rinaldo below, who besides coming to our regular Sunday meetings, has also volunteered to write a monthly newsletter for FOLD! Thank you Helen, you are awesome!

woman and boy volunteer planting cuttings , woman and boy volunteer planting cuttings , volunteers planting cuttings , boy and father working , man fixing things , working in the nursery , working in the nursery

Good evening all,

Just a quick reminder for our weekly work session tomorrow. We've got a couple activities to choose from: polygala weeding, planting out diversifolia seedlings, or work at the nursery planting trays of collected seeds.

Last week we had a great turn-out for the beach clean-up, attaching a couple pictures, and thanks to everyone that came out!

Hope to see you tomorrow, 3pm at the FOLD nursery.



beach trash in the rocks , picking up beach trash , picking up beach trash , crew pic , cliff detail