We are Robe volunteers, caring for our wild spaces.

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Good afternoon all,

Just a quick reminder we'll be cleaning up Long Beach tomorrow as part of Clean-up Australia Day. Meet at the nursery at 3pm as usual, or 3:15pm at the 2nd Ramp carpark.

We'll have reusable trash bags, gloves and pick-up tools - bring water and any keen friends!

Hope to see you there. With many thanks.


Good morning all, hoping everyone has had a wonderful busy summer period! See below for a couple updates as we move into this year's FOLD work!

- Meet-up with Uncle Doug & LandscapeSA community education team.
Tomorrow @ 11am (Feb 4) we're meeting up with representatives from LandscapeSA and local indigenous elder Uncle Doug for a walk and talk at Freshwater Lake. This is a chance for LandscapeSA to tell us about their community education programs, Uncle Doug to share his stories and knowledge and for our members to discuss our own ideas and perspectives related to the natural spaces we care for. Please let me know if you can come! The more the better.

- Welcome to new members and recent activities.
Thanks to all the new and continuing members who have been coming to our regular Sunday work sessions over the last couple months. We've made great progress on reveg areas (Lake St Clair seedlings are doing amazing!) the nursery is going strong and beach clean-ups have been great fun. If you haven't been to a Sunday work session for a while, we'd love to have you back!

- Clean-up Australia Day, Sunday March 2nd. 

Helen has done a great job organizing again this year. We're meeting Sunday, March 2nd at the 2nd ramp parking lot (Long Beach) and will clean-up from 1st to (as far as we can) towards 3rd ramp.

- Signage at Freshwater lake. 

We're in the process of replacing the tired trail signage at Freshwater Lake. This might take some time outside of regular Sunday sessions, please let me know if you're interested in helping with this and we'll put together a special crew.

- Cullen reserve weeding day. 

I'm waiting to hear back from Peter regarding Wombats SA weed control days coming up. I'll forward when I have received.

- AGM 2025

Moving this back to a 1st quarter meeting date this year. We're planning to have it in March and I will forward the date when it's set.

With many thanks and hope to see you all soon!


Good morning, I hope everyone is well.

Just a couple quick notes:

- Work session today - we've got some reveg to plant near the coastal track and a beach clean-up at Matches beach. Meeting at the FOLD nursery at 3pm and heading out together from there.

- We're continuing with our polygala removal project alongside the Burrandies Indigenous crew. Meeting at the ranger station at 9:30, and we'll have a morning and afternoon session. Let me know if you're planning to come!

Thanks to everyone coming out to our work sessions in the last few weeks. We've made great progress on nursery jobs, reveg planting, coastal track maintenance and beach clean-ups!

With many thanks.


Good evening all, I hope everyone is very well.

A couple updates below on FOLD regular work sessions for the next couple weeks:

  • Sunday July 21st, 3pm Work Session - Coastal track maintenance in the park. Crossing fingers for good weather! Meet at the FOLD nursery.
  • Sunday July 28th, 3pm Work Session - Seeding & cutting propagation trays at the nursery.
  • Sunday August 4th, extended planting day starting @ 12pm. We'll be heading to Lake St. Clair for a big planting effort! Meet at the nursery @ 12pm and we'll head out together from there. Should be 2-4 hours of planting depending on crew size.

And a couple general volunteer updates:

  • Sunday 21st, 12pm @ the Robe Institute is the Robe District Council - Community Volunteer Celebration lunch. All Robe volunteers are invited to attend.
  • Upcoming AGM. We're in the process of scheduling our yearly AGM, please look out for the date & location announcement soon.

With many thanks.


Good evening all, I hope everyone is well.

Just a quick reminder for our weekly work session tomorrow afternoon. We've got reveg area checks, trail maintenance, and nursery work to choose from! 3pm at the FOLD nursery and we'll go from there.

Thanks to everyone who's been coming out in the last couple weeks. We've made great progress on campground clean-ups and nursery efforts for this (and next) year's reveg projects.

Hope to see you tomorrow!


Good morning all,

I hope your weekend is going well so far. Just a quick reminder for our weekly work session this afternoon. We've got a campground tidy up, reveg check-up and nursery work on!

Hope to see you there. 3pm as usual at the FOLD nursery and then head out together from there.

Thanks very much.


Good morning all,

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful Easter weekend!

Just a quick note that with everyone so busy we won't have our weekly work session this afternoon. We'll be back to our regular meet-ups next week, see you then!

Thanks. Roland

Good morning all,

Just a quick reminder for our work session this afternoon. We're planning to do a clean-up and reveg check at Old Man Lake Campground. And for those interested in staying at the nursery, there's work to do there too!

Meeting at the FOLD nursery at 3pm as usual, and head out together from there.

Hope to see you this afternoon! Thanks very much.


PS And thanks to the crew who came out to Long Gully Campground last weekend, it was great to see how well the reveg trees were going considering the dry period we're in!

Good evening all,

Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far. Just a quick reminder for our work session tomorrow. We're planning to head out to Long Gully campground for a clean-up and a check-in on our revegetation site(s) there. 

Meeting at the FOLD nursery at 3pm as usual, and we'll head out together from there.

Thanks and hope to see you there!

poster of Friends of Little Dip