We are Robe volunteers, caring for our wild spaces.

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Good evening, I hope you're all well.

Just a quick reminder for our regular Sunday work session tomorrow. We'll meet at 3pm at the FOLD nursery as usual. We have seed trays to plant and beach clean-up to continue! 

Last weekend, we installed a vehicle barrier to stop traffic from entering the southern end of West Beach (the barrier itself is in the park on the south end of the little beach around the point). West Beach is now vehicle free. This is a wonderful outcome for a long-talked-about project and I've already heard a number of very positive reactions from community members. A couple pictures attached below.

Couple other items on the way (stay tuned!):

- Mapping / GIS. Several group members have been talking about how mapping and GIS could be used to support our work. I'd like to get a sub-group going on this, please let me know if you're interested and we will set-up a meeting in the next couple weeks to pursue.

- FOLD website. I've started working on a FOLD website.  There's content to be collected and written, and there are also decisions about the ways a website could help us organize/conduct our regular work (and regular communications out to the community). I'd love to have some help on this so please let me know if you're interested in jumping in.

With all the best and hope to see you tomorrow.


vehicle fence posts going in , work crew on the cliff

Threatened Hooded Plovers nest regularly on West Beach! How many did know that? They nest as well on some of our back beaches and on Long beach.  Since West Beach is also hazardous to drive on, does not have a through access, and is a favorite walking destination for many locals, by blocking vehicle access here we give these little birds a better change to survive. We can share with them this beautiful spot by the wild southern ocean and all the while be mindful not to disturb their habitat by leaving them be, not approaching them especially during the nesting season (from August through March) and not letting dogs near them. Let us all help these threatened species thrive on our beautiful coastline!

For more information on Hooded Plovers: 


"There are less than 70 hoodies across Adelaide and the Fleurieu Peninsula and across the whole state, only 500 to 800 in total." https://www.landscape.sa.gov.au/hf/our-priorities/nature/native-plants-animals-and-biodiversity/native-plants-and-animals/native-animals/birds/hooded-plovers-project# 

volunteers  at work by the beach , volunteers  at work by the beach , volunteers  at work by the beach

Good evening, I hope you're all well.

Just a quick reminder for our regular Sunday work session tomorrow.

We'll meet at 3pm at the FOLD nursery and, weather and supplies permitting, we're planning to install some vehicle signage/fencing at the north end of the park.

We had a great work session last weekend. The tea tree re-vegetation area (link to gps point & pic below) at Lake St. Clair is going very well (only a small number of seedlings didn't make it through the dry summer!) and we planted out another 100 or so.  Thanks to all who came out :)

With all the best and hope to see you tomorrow.


Lake St Clair tea tree seedlings

One of the most favorite activities for many of our volunteers is to go out and plant trees! How spectacular to then watch them flourish! Today we headed to Lake Sinclair and planted tee trees and sheoaks' seedlings which we had planted in trays the previous year.

view of an open field with seedlings' guards , volunteers planting seedlings , volunteers planting seedlings , volunteers planting seedlings , seedling , volunteers planting seedlings , volunteers planting seedlings

Good evening all, I hope your weekend is going well so far.

Just a quick reminder for our regular Sunday work session tomorrow. 

We'll meet at 3pm at the FOLD nursery and, weather permitting, we can head over to the revegetation site at Lake St Clair to plant (and replace) seedlings.  If we get rained out, we can continue planting collected seeds at the nursery instead.

We had a great nursery work session last week, over 1000 pots planted with collected seeds! Thanks to all who came out :)

With many thanks and hope to see you tomorrow.


What a day at the nursery! Such a lovely group of passionate volunteers have work hard today preparing the trays and planting seeds we had previously collected. Lots has been accomplished today and we all went home feeling good about the day!

group of volunteers working in the nursery , group of volunteers working in the shed , group of volunteers working in the shed , group of volunteers working in the shed

Good afternoon all,

Just a quick reminder for our regular Sunday work session tomorrow. We'll meet at 3pm at the FOLD nursery and have a couple options for work: we'll get started planting collected seed at the nursery, and if anyone is interested in a more active afternoon we can continue with beach clean-ups (working south from Stoneys to Back Beach).

Thanks very much and hope to see you there!


Today was a good day to cleanup the nursery & prepare the trays for planting seeds


Good morning all, hope your long weekend is going well.

Thanks to everyone that came out last weekend, a little rain and wind couldn't stop our beach clean up (from the end of West Beach to Stoneys!). (pics attached)

Today we'll meet at 3pm at the nursery and then head over to the revegetation site at Lake Sinclair to continue planting (and replacing) seedlings.

Next Sunday we've got another fence building project scheduled, more on that during the week.

With many thanks and hope to see you today or next week!


picking up trash from the beach , clean-up crew

Tumbs up to this unstoppable 10 year old who has been coming to volunteer for FOLD most Sundays! Good job, Rinaldo! Keep up the good work, boyo!

Today we picked up trash and mini plastic bits from the end of West Beach to Stoneys.

Rinaldo and dad on the beach , Rinaldo picking up trash , Rinaldo on sand dune with bag of trash