
By angela, 23 October, 2022

It was windy and the cold has returned .... but there is FOLD... and what a wonderful incentive to get out of the house, walk these beautiful beaches and laugh a little.  

It warms the inside with pleasure being together, keeping our beaches clean, breathing in the fresh sea air, fill our senses with the power of nature which we can enjoy in its vivid colors, crashing sounds and majestic wild views.

And we saw Hooded Plovers.


By angela, 2 October, 2022

A wonderfu, warm, sunny day to be in the back beaches to clean up and savor the beautiful approaching spring!

By angela, 2 October, 2022

Beach clean-up today! Thanks to Andrew the hero of the day :) for untangling all that rope which would have disintegrated into microplastic

By angela, 28 August, 2022

Beach clean-up today! A big shout-out to these two regular teen volunteers, Andrew and Massimo, that with their infinite energy have carried the heaviest of debrids we found on these beautiful back beaches.

By angela, 14 August, 2022

What a fun day today at FOLD! We welcomed Emma, our new local ranger, by meeting up earlier at the Adventurous Spoon. We then met the rest of the volunteers, as usual by the nursery at 3 pm, and headed out to Back Beach for a cleanup. We had such a good turnout today (14 people + 2 rangers) that we divided into two groups thus covering lots of ground.

By angela, 5 June, 2022

Tumbs up to this unstoppable 10 year old who has been coming to volunteer for FOLD most Sundays! Good job, Rinaldo! Keep up the good work, boyo!

Today we picked up trash and mini plastic bits from the end of West Beach to Stoneys.

By angela, 3 April, 2022

Today we walked and picked up trash from Stonies to West Beach. We also indentified middens and John shared some of his knowledge about middens with us.

For more information:

By angela, 20 March, 2022

Ten happy volunteers showed up today! A full force to tackle the back beaches under a warm sun for a succesful cleanup sesh!  We also fixed one of the posts.

By angela, 6 March, 2022

A huge THANK YOU to the 8 volunteers that showed up today for beach and track cleanup!