
By angela, 9 December, 2023

We are very happy to announce 
that starting tomorrow, Sunday 10th of December 
we are open to the public at 3 pm 
and we offer for sale 2 year old trees🌱🌱 at 5 dollars each

And bring your kids! 
We would love to show you around 🌱🌱 and some of our youngest members 🐤🐤 will be helping us paint new signs... you could join in the fun...

We are selling:

By angela, 3 December, 2023

Another great gathering around our work table at the nursery today: we are repotting our 2-year old plants and getting them ready to sell - the little plants are sure happy to be in larger pots and eager to find a new home! Our awesome volunteers today were also able to remove the weeds from ALL our growing new seedlings in the shade house (they are truly looking happy now) and did a great job cleaning and upkeeping the nursery.  Thank you guys, for the amazing work and the great time we can spent together.

By angela, 26 November, 2023

Today we split into two groups: one group did a great job fixing the fence on part of the coastal track and another group kept the work at the nursery going.  Another fabulous day spent together caring for our conservation park and our plants! Thank you all! 

By angela, 19 November, 2023

Fun days at the nursery this month! Our awesome volunteers - thank you guys, so much - have been repotting seedlings that will go on sale to the public, have been caring for our new seedlings in the shade house, checking and fixing the irrigation, taking measurements for future renovations and maintaining the space nice and clean.

By angela, 13 November, 2023

We had a great crew at the nursery last Sunday: we cleaned up and planted a few pots of cushion bushes, dianella grass and olearia. We planted many trays of muntries and native rosemary from cuttings. We also trasplanted seedlings of tea trees and sheoaks.

Next Sunday we will continue with seedlings trays, repotting trees, and other projects at the nursery. Come by and meet us there at 3pm.

By angela, 5 November, 2023

Today we did more planting at the FOLD nursery focusing on coastal species like Olearia axillaris (coastal rosemary) and Leucophyta brownii (cushion bush).  Thank you Roland, Tony and Trent!

By angela, 26 June, 2022

One of the most favorite activities for many of our volunteers is to go out and plant trees! How spectacular to then watch them flourish! Today we headed to Lake Sinclair and planted tee trees and sheoaks' seedlings which we had planted in trays the previous year.