Weekly work sessions

By roland, 24 September, 2022

Good evening all,

Just a quick reminder for our work session tomorrow. There's work weeding / planting seedlings at the nursery, and/or beach clean-ups if anyone is keen.

We'll meet at 3pm at the nursery and go from there.

Thanks and hope to see you tomorrow!


Also, we have a fun signage project coming up @ Freshwater Lake, with Kangaroo Inn Area School, more info on that soon.

By roland, 17 September, 2022

Good afternoon all,

Hope you've had a great week. Just a quick reminder for our work session tomorrow. Malcolm and Hillary did some work taking care of the reveg site at Long Gully last weekend, so I think we should head back to Lake St. Clair to get as many seedlings planted out before we run out of rain!

We'll meet up at the FOLD nursery at 3pm and leave from there. And there's work to do at the nursery, in case anyone would prefer to stay in town.

Thanks very much and hope to see you tomorrow.


By roland, 10 September, 2022

Good evening all, hope your weekend is going well so far.

With the possible weather tomorrow afternoon, and a number of our group involved in the very cool event at the institute, let's postpone tomorrow's Long Gully session to next week.

Anyone that is absolutely set on being outside - working in the dirt, let me know and we can coordinate an ad-hoc work group!

With many thanks.


By roland, 3 September, 2022

Good evening, I hope everyone is well.

Just a quick reminder for our work session on Sunday. We'll meet at the FOLD Nursery at 3pm and head out to Lake St. Clair to continue planting at the tea tree (melaleuca lanceolata) reveg area there. Based on direction from Cath we'll also plant some of the sheok (allocasuarina verticillata) seedlings we still have in the north-east portion of the park.

By roland, 28 August, 2022

Hi all.
Just a quick reminder for our weekly work session this afternoon at 3pm. The weather looks like it should be nice, so thinking we can continue with a beach cleanup - working our way south.

I've also got a couple project ideas to chat about at the nursery before we head out.

With many thanks and hope to see you all there!


By roland, 20 August, 2022

Good evening all.

Just a quick reminder for our weekly work session tomorrow. We'll meet at 3pm at the nursery, and depending on weather and interests of those present, we can do another beach cleanup, plant out at a reveg site, or plant seed trays at the nursery.

Thanks to everyone who came last sunday, a great turnout and a very successful back beach cleanup.

Hope to see you tomorrow! With many thanks.


By roland, 6 August, 2022

Good afternoon all. I hope your week is going well.

Just a quick reminder for our weekly work session Sunday, and some very exciting news: The new DEW ranger, Emma, has started work this week!

We're going to have a little welcome get together for Emma on Sunday at the Adventurous Spoon at 2pm, and then head out to Back Beach for a cleanup at 3pm. (weather permitting).

Please let me know if you'll be able to make it this week, so I know what number of tables/chains to put aside at the Spoon.

By roland, 6 August, 2022

Good evening all, I hope everyone's weekend is going well so far.

Just a quick reminder for our weekly work session tomorrow. We've got some reveg work planned in the dunes west of Long Gully campground, and some maintenance items at the campground itself, (if our crew is large enough!)

Meet at 3pm at the FOLD nursery, thanks and hope to see you there.


By roland, 30 July, 2022

Good evening all,

Just a quick note regarding our regular work session tomorrow. It looks like we're in for some weather (a good chance of rain in the afternoon). We've got some beach clean-up to catch up on... or we can continue planting seed trays at the nursery... or we can have a project admin catchup over coffee at the spoon!?

Let me know your preference(s) if you're planning to attend and I'll send out an update around noon.



By roland, 23 July, 2022

Good evening all,

Just a quick reminder for our weekly work session tomorrow. We're planning to meet at the nursery at 3pm as usual and then, depending on interest and group size, head out for reveg planting near Long Gully and/or beach clean-up south of Stoney Rise (or nursery planting if the rain comes early!). 

With many thanks, hope to see you all tomorrow.
