2024-02-08 Open Admin meeeting

By roland, 8 February, 2024

Friends of Little Dip & Robe Coastcare

Open Admin Meeting -11am Robe Public Library


Meeting process

  • Practical business to support the work
    • Make sure these meetings support the work we do out in our conservation, coastal, community spaces. 
  • Open agenda - tracked and updated on website
  • Consensus decision-making process
    • Work toward agreement
  • Self-defining groups
    • Bring in people as needed, responsibility of all to consider who is affected

Community Engagement / Promoting FOLD

  • Newsletter articles - Helen
  • New posters out - Angela
  • Social channels (linked to website)
  • Planting guides for wider community.
  • Easter Fete - anyone take lead on this?


New website - http://robefold.org

  • Still under development - Roland
  • Members can post content
    • Need content guidance document… volunteers?
  • Integrating member sign-up, information management, newsletter subscription, etc

Todo: Anyone interested in helping with content?

Archives project

Helen has gone through and indexed all the archives we could find.
Some of them (meeting minutes, etc) will be scanned so we can have as digital files.
Storing at Rangers office until we have a better place for paper storage!
Todo: scan files we want to keep in digital format, or for public

GIS & Mapping

Polygala - Emma / Cath & Crew
Beach clean-ups - Hillary
Revegetation & other activities - Roland
Data capture, invasive plants, feral animals, specific targets? Engage visitors? - Roland
GIS crew to form?

Upcoming Grants

Helen keeping track of.

Possible projects:

  • 2nd shade house
  • Benches, bbq etc
  • Weeding in parks and/or Cullen reserve w/ Burrandies 

Roland working with Pam Smith to extend grant from 2022. Hopefully to support nursery supplies, tree guards and stakes.

Volunteers for grant writing?

Street Trees - NEW

Sheoaks are great Stree Trees! Roland / Malcolm

35 year FOLD bench at Lake Robe

  • Seems to be consensus from FOLD members for a bench at Lake Robe.
  • Location: To the left after you reach the lake edge?
  • Style options: Commercial - Cath has some specs and examples we can look at.
  • Locally constructed / designed - recent example from “Millicent Field Nats”

Update RW: Spoke with Amanda from Burrandies, interested and open to discuss. Important that collaboration is genuine. Possibilities for design. Next steps - scheduling meeting with Tara in the Mount to discuss, including a catch up on Polygala project.  Walk on site with small group together. Questions: Appropriate project, appropriate place, appropriate design. Appropriate message. Collaborative process - opportunity to do this together, build on polygala project.

Todo: Interest in visiting site. RW to gauge interest.
