Robe Coastcare & Friends of Little Dip - Sunday March 12th

By roland, 12 March, 2023

Good morning all,

I hope your long weekend is going well so far! Thanks for everyone coming out the last couple weeks, we did a clean-up of the Lake Eliza track and planted another 8 seedling trays with bursaria spinosa, olearia axillaris, and Myoporum insulare (for planting out next year!)

Just a quick reminder for our meet-up this afternoon. We'll meet, as usual, at 3pm at the FOLD nursery and head out to Long Gully to check on both reveg sites there. We can also do a tidy up of the campground and the track (to the second reveg site).

Next week, we'll install the new ecosystem signs at Freshwater and Old Man lakes. We've got some work to do on the timber frames first, which I'll be starting today around 2pm at the nursery, anyone interested in helping with this is welcome to come by.

Also, we have been invited to set-up a booth at the Robe Primary School Easter Fete. I know that is a particularly busy weekend for many people, but it would be great to have FOLD, our parks & conservation areas, and coastal areas represented. If you are available that weekend and interested in helping organize this, please let me know!

Thanks very much.
