Robe Coastcare & Friends of Little Dip - NO MEETING TODAY

By roland, 17 April, 2022

Good morning all,

Thanks to everyone that came to the nursery planning meeting last weekend. We made some good progress organizing our approach and priorities.

Just a quick reminder that we’re not meeting up today! I’m working to get Sunday sessions organized a little more in advance, so look forward to a note early in the week mapping out the next month or so.

As you all know, we’re in the middle of a couple weeks of heavy visitor impact in the park (and the rest of the district). If you’re available and interested in helping to replace broken posts, clean-up trash from illegal campsites, etc please let me know. Regardless of the ongoing conversation about prevention strategies, I think it’s important to quickly get these things restored when they do happen.

Thanks everyone for all your efforts and interest in caring for this very special wild place.


PS, attached photo is from Stony Rise just before the 7:30am start of the 54th Robe Easter Classic, held in the park yesterday. A unique surfing event, attracting world class surfers (from Robe, around Australia and beyond) and their fans and families from a wide area (some of which have now been attending and competing over multiple generations). An event that shows with a purposeful and delicate balance; we can celebrate, share and maintain the wild nature of our coastline.

Easter Classic 2022