
Good evening all and hope you've had an awesome week!

Seed collection went well last week and we cleaned up Old Man Lake campground and Fresh Water Lake parking area. Visitor numbers are slowing down now so I'm excited for us to get into some bigger projects (fencing, walk planning, nursery, etc) over the next few months.

We'll meet as usual at the nursery tomorrow, 3pm. I'd like to give a quick update on ongoing projects and check-in with the group on priorities for the next couple months. 

Depending on the time available, weather and interest from the group we could also check in on areas where we have done planting over the last couple of years (like Stoneys and Long Gully campground) and replace plants and guards that have been lost.

Hope to see you there, with many thanks.


Today a group of volunteers collected, sorted and stored bursaria spinosa seeds and another little group cleaned-up Old-Man lake campground  and Freshwater lake carpark. A good day's work!

Bursaria spinosa is commonly known as Christmas Bush. Here is some more information: 

John picking seeds , Woman picking seeds , volunteers , seeds on the table , volunteers sorting seedsd

Good evening all,
I hope everyone’s week is going very well.

For this Sunday's work session, we’ve got seed collection tasks and I’ve been wanting to get out to Long Gully to do a clean-up. Let's meet at the nursery at 3pm and, depending on the interests of those present, we can split into groups or pick a focus and all go out together!

Hope to see you there. Bring hats, water and friends :)

With many thanks. Roland

Good morning all,

Thanks to everyone that came to the nursery planning meeting last weekend. We made some good progress organizing our approach and priorities.

Just a quick reminder that we’re not meeting up today! I’m working to get Sunday sessions organized a little more in advance, so look forward to a note early in the week mapping out the next month or so.

As you all know, we’re in the middle of a couple weeks of heavy visitor impact in the park (and the rest of the district). If you’re available and interested in helping to replace broken posts, clean-up trash from illegal campsites, etc please let me know. Regardless of the ongoing conversation about prevention strategies, I think it’s important to quickly get these things restored when they do happen.

Thanks everyone for all your efforts and interest in caring for this very special wild place.


PS, attached photo is from Stony Rise just before the 7:30am start of the 54th Robe Easter Classic, held in the park yesterday. A unique surfing event, attracting world class surfers (from Robe, around Australia and beyond) and their fans and families from a wide area (some of which have now been attending and competing over multiple generations). An event that shows with a purposeful and delicate balance; we can celebrate, share and maintain the wild nature of our coastline.

Easter Classic 2022

Good evening all,
Thanks to everyone who came out last Sunday, and thanks to the Men’s Shed for providing the meeting space! We had a great initial discussion regarding a Robe-to-Beachport walking trail and started to pull together a strategy to evaluate the idea and whether it is something we would support as a group. Please send me an email if you're keen to participate in this, and keep an eye out for future updates / meet-ups.

After our discussion we walked Stoneys to West Beach, with a clean-up along the way. You can see a couple photos here: , thanks for capturing / sending Natasha! Thanks also to John for sharing stories and knowledge along the walk.

This Sunday, I'd like to have a focused planning session on the Nursery. We can utilize the nursery in a number of ways, and it would be great to make a bit of a plan for the coming months and years. The Men’s Shed worked great as a sit-down meeting place so let's meet there at 3pm.

With many thanks and hope to see you there.

Today we walked and picked up trash from Stonies to West Beach. We also indentified middens and John shared some of his knowledge about middens with us.

For more information:

Roland and Andrew on the beach picking trash , Volunteers looking for trash , Middens , Midden , people talking , beautiful view of the beach , Teen holding the trash he collected

Good evening all,
Thanks to everyone who came out last Sunday. The Gums campground and track had a clean-up, we made a big dent in the polygala weed control project nearby, collected some Bursaria Spinosa seed and finished off the day replacing the broken post out at Stoney Rise point.

After a couple weeks of clean-up duty (well done all!) let's do something a little different this Sunday. The talk of creating a Robe-to-Beachport walking trail has been growing steadily around the community. For anyone interested in discussing this idea: we'll meet Sunday at the Mens Shed at 2pm for about an hour, and then at 3pm we can walk the Stoneys point to West beach and do some clean-up along the way.

If you can't make 2pm (or aren't interested in planning/organizing), you're welcome to join for the walk/cleanup at 3pm.

Bring hats, water, friends... and stories/photos of walking trails you've visited!

With many thanks. Roland

8 volunteers today headed out with ranger Cath Bell to the Gums campground for weeding polygala,  clean-up of campground area and track and replace 2 broken posts.

See below some pictures of the invasive weed polygala. Polygala invades and competes in coastal vegetation.

"Not only does Polygala invade coastal vegetation, but other environments as well, such as grassland, grassy woodland, mallee shrubland and riparian environments. In these environments it can form thickets that shade out native plants species, preventing the natural regeneration of the overstorey and shrub layer." -

For more info: 

polygala , polygala with flower , polygala with flower , polygala , polygala , man in the bush , vounteers in the bush , volunteers talking with the ranger

Good afternoon FOLDers!

We had a great group last Sunday and did a big cleanup of Little Dip Beach and associated track (7 bags of mostly plastic trash!). Thanks everyone!

This Sunday, we'll meet-up at the nursery at 3pm and then head over to the Gums campground for:
 - clean-up of campground area and track
 - replace 2 broken posts
 - look at a polygala control project with Cath
 - and if we have time (and interest) check the nearby Bursaria Spinosa for seed collection

Bring hats, water and friends!

Hope to see you there.
With many thanks. Roland

Ten happy volunteers showed up today! A full force to tackle the back beaches under a warm sun for a succesful cleanup sesh!  We also fixed one of the posts.

girl holding flippers found on beach , Roland fixing a post , man looking for trash on rocks , man in the bush by the beach , beach view , women looking for trash on the beach , woman looking for trash on the beach , woman looking for trash on the beach , woman taking a selfie on the beach , woman looking for trash on the beach , women looking for trash on the beach , pile of trash picked today