Today we headed out to Lake Robe and installed the frame for the sign.
Good morning all,
Hope your weekend is going well. Just a quick reminder for our work session this afternoon. We'll be working on signs to be installed at Freshwater Lake and *Lake Robe* (I incorrectly said Old Man Lake last week!). Posts and frames are almost complete so we may install a sign today!
We'll meet at the FOLD nursery at 3pm and go from there.
Today at the Nursery we care for the seedlings and worked on the timber frames for the signs that will go up by the lakes.
Great job Rinaldo, John and Roland on these amazing frames for the signs! They look magnificent, and sturdy!
Good morning all,
I hope your long weekend is going well so far! Thanks for everyone coming out the last couple weeks, we did a clean-up of the Lake Eliza track and planted another 8 seedling trays with bursaria spinosa, olearia axillaris, and Myoporum insulare (for planting out next year!)
Just a quick reminder for our meet-up this afternoon. We'll meet, as usual, at 3pm at the FOLD nursery and head out to Long Gully to check on both reveg sites there. We can also do a tidy up of the campground and the track (to the second reveg site).
Nursery: collected seeds into trays
Good afternoon, hope everyone's weekend is going very well.
Just a quick reminder about our work session this afternoon. We'll meet at the FOLD nursery at 3pm as usual, and are planning to plant collected seeds into trays (considering the rain shows may last through the afternoon!)
Hope to see you there.
Thanks very much.
Maintenance @ the Lake Eliza trail
Good morning all,
I hope your weekend is going well. Nice to have a little rain in the last couple days for anyone with a garden!
Just a quick reminder for our work session this afternoon. We didn't get to the Lake Eliza walk clean-up last weekend, so we're planning to do that today. We'll meet at the nursery at 3pm as usual, and head out together.
Hope to see you there!
With many thanks.
Today we are working at Long Beach, by First Ramp
Good morning all, hope your weekend is going well.
We had a great turn-out last weekend for the nursery work session, thanks everyone for coming!
Today we'll either do a clean-up and potential reveg project exploration at Long Beach or a maintenance stroll down the Lake Eliza trail... or both if the group wants to split up!
Hope to see you there, 3pm at the FOLD nursery.
With many thanks.