By roland, 12 June, 2022

Good morning all, hope your long weekend is going well.

Thanks to everyone that came out last weekend, a little rain and wind couldn't stop our beach clean up (from the end of West Beach to Stoneys!). (pics attached)

Today we'll meet at 3pm at the nursery and then head over to the revegetation site at Lake Sinclair to continue planting (and replacing) seedlings.

Next Sunday we've got another fence building project scheduled, more on that during the week.

With many thanks and hope to see you today or next week!


By angela, 5 June, 2022

Tumbs up to this unstoppable 10 year old who has been coming to volunteer for FOLD most Sundays! Good job, Rinaldo! Keep up the good work, boyo!

Today we picked up trash and mini plastic bits from the end of West Beach to Stoneys.

By roland, 1 June, 2022

Good evening all,  I hope your week is going well.

We had some great work sessions in May, including helping Wombats SA at Cullen Reserve (thanks everyone that came out!), installing fencing to control vehicle damage in the dunes near Long Gully campground and re-vegetation in the same area (see pics below), as well as checking on ALL the Long Gully seedlings... they're doing great!

By angela, 29 May, 2022

Today we are back to Long Gully to complete our work there: we installed fencing to control vehicle damage in the dunes + did re-vegetation in the same area and checked on ALL the Long Gully seedlings... they're doing great! Another lil wombat came out to supervise the work ;)

By roland, 21 May, 2022

Good afternoon all,

Thanks to everyone who came out last weekend and helped with Wombats SA in the Cullen Reserve. I went out a couple times during the week with them and they really appreciated everyone coming to help. Such a special piece of wild space right in the middle of our community.

By roland, 14 May, 2022

Good afternoon all. I hope your Saturday is going really well. Couple notes re: tomorrow and next weekend.

Working session tomorrow -  Peter with Wombats SA has let me know that they're working throughout the day tomorrow. He's invited us to meet at the Robe Holiday Park at 9am before heading over to the reserve next door for lots of fun work :) We'll work morning and afternoon.

By angela, 8 May, 2022

Today our volunteers headed to Long Gully Campground where they checked in on seedlings and replaced those that didn't survive summer.  And look! A cute Wombat volunteer come out to help!  

By roland, 7 May, 2022

Good afternoon all, just a couple quick notes:

Working session tomorrow - we'll meet at 3pm at the Nursery and head out to Long Gully Campground, we can check in on seedlings and replace any that didn't survive summer. There is also pruning and maintenance (staining timber, etc) to do around the info bay and toilet. Hope to see you there!