
Good evening all,

Just a quick reminder for our work session tomorrow. We've got some reveg planting and maintenance to do at the Gums campground, and if we have extra time we can do a little track cleanup as well!

The reveg areas at Long Gully are doing great, it was very encouraging last week to see the growth of the seedlings we've planted over the last couple years, with very little lost.

I'll be at the FOLD nursery around 2pm to do a little tidy up and some seedling weeding, and there's a rumor cake and tea will arrive before we head out to work in the park around 3pm (at our regular time.).

With many thanks and hope to see you tomorrow!


Good morning all, and lots of love and appreciation to all the mothers in our community on this beautiful Mother's day!

Just a quick reminder for our work session this afternoon. We're going to head over to Long Gully to do some maintenance on tree guards, etc at the two reveg sites there. Meeting at 3pm at the FOLD nursery, as usual.

Hope to see you there!

With many thanks. Roland

Good morning all,

Hope your weekend is going well. Just a quick reminder for our weekly work session this afternoon. We've got some nursery work to do and then if we've got a good crew (and reasonable weather!) track clean-up and the first planting out of the season around the newly fixed-up Gums campground spots.

Hope to see you there, meet @ 3pm at the FOLD nursery, as usual.

Thanks. Roland

Good morning all,

Hope your weekend is going well. Just a quick reminder for our work session this afternoon. We've got a little work at the nursery and then, as long as the weather cooperates, clean-up and maintenance over at the Gums campground & track.

Hope to see you there! 3pm at the FOLD nursery.

Thanks. Roland

Good afternoon all,

Hope your weekend is going well. Just a quick reminder for our work session this afternoon. We've got some work with the seedlings at the nursery to do, and we might head out for a campground or beach cleanup if people are keen!

Hope to see you there, 3pm at the FOLD nursery.

With many thanks.


Good morning all, what a beautiful day!

Just a quick reminder for our work session this afternoon. We're planning to install the second ecosystem sign (@ Freshwater Lake), and we've got some work around the nursery as well. As usual, we'll meet at 3pm at the FOLD nursery.

Hope to see you there!


Today was the epic Robe Easter Classic surf comp! We helped out setting up and stayed to cleanup! Rinaldo helped out presenting the competitors.

comp , comp

Good morning all,

Hope your weekend is going well so far. I'm not planning to have a work session today, but for anyone looking to be out and about we'll probably be doing a bit of cleaning up after the surf comp this afternoon!

Sign at Lake Robe went in yesterday, couple pics attached.



Lake Robe Ecosystem Sign , Lake Robe Ecosystem Sign , Lake Robe Ecosystem Sign

Back to Lake Robe where last week we installed the frame for the sign. Today we put the sign up and cleaned up by the parking lot.

volunteers by the sign

Good morning all,

Hope your weekend is going well. Just a quick reminder for our work session this afternoon. We have some nursery work to do and we'll be hanging the sign on the frame (installed last week!) at Robe Lake.

Hope to see you there. 3pm at the FOLD nursery.

