
We are very happy to announce 
that starting tomorrow, Sunday 10th of December 
we are open to the public at 3 pm 
and we offer for sale 2 year old trees🌱🌱 at 5 dollars each

And bring your kids! 
We would love to show you around 🌱🌱 and some of our youngest members 🐤🐤 will be helping us paint new signs... you could join in the fun...

We are selling:

  • Allocasuarina verticillata also known as Drooping Sheoak: it is an ornamental species for shade or shelter. Planted en-mass an effective screen. Tolerant of coastal locations. Food source and habitat for birds.
  • Melaleuca lanceolata also known commonly as Dryland Tea Tree. This is a shrub or sometimes a small tree growing to 5 meters or so. It grows well in frontline coastal situations as well as inland, having a preference for alkaline soils.
  • Eucalyptus baxteri commonly known as Brown Stringybark, is a medium-sized tree - can grow to a height of 40 meters - endemic to the south-east of Australia.

We meet on Sundays ☀️ at 3 ☀️ at the nursery on White Street. 
Come say hello 😎 Come see what we are doing 💪 Come buy some plants 🌱🌱🌱


Another great gathering around our work table at the nursery today: we are repotting our 2-year old plants and getting them ready to sell - the little plants are sure happy to be in larger pots and eager to find a new home! Our awesome volunteers today were also able to remove the weeds from ALL our growing new seedlings in the shade house (they are truly looking happy now) and did a great job cleaning and upkeeping the nursery.  Thank you guys, for the amazing work and the great time we can spent together.

volunteers working , Volunteers caring for seedlings , Volunteers caring for seedlings , Volunteers cleaning , plant , plants , plants , plants , plants

Good morning all,

Just a quick reminder for our weekly work session tomorrow, as well as a note about our monthly admin meeting below.

Sunday Dec 3rd @ 3pm – regular work session

The nursery work is really picking up and we've made some great progress with seedling trays and potting trees for the coming year. Tomorrow, we’ll continue on with nursery work and, for those interested, we’ll head out for a beach or track clean-up! Meeting at the FOLD nursery at 3pm and go from there.

Thursday Dec 7th @ 11am – projects & admin meeting

Thanks to everyone that sent in their day/time preferences (we had 8 responses) for our new monthly projects and admin meetings. This first meeting will be at the Robe Library at 11am on Thursday, Dec 7th (with following meetings the first Thursday of each month @ the same time). Please let me know if you’re planning to attend so I can make sure we have seats organized!

Hope to see you this week.

With many thanks.


The new posters of Friends of Little Dip are out! 

New poster

Today we split into two groups: one group did a great job fixing the fence on part of the coastal track and another group kept the work at the nursery going.  Another fabulous day spent together caring for our conservation park and our plants! Thank you all! 

track on park , volunteers in the park , volunteers in the nursery , plant

Good evening all, I hope your weekend is going well so far.

Just a quick reminder for our work session tomorrow. We've got nursery projects (we continue to make some great progress with seedling trays for next year) and we've also got a track fence repair project to complete out in the park. Hoping to have enough crew to do both.

Meet at the nursery @ 3pm as usual and go from there.

Thanks very much.


Fun days at the nursery this month! Our awesome volunteers - thank you guys, so much - have been repotting seedlings that will go on sale to the public, have been caring for our new seedlings in the shade house, checking and fixing the irrigation, taking measurements for future renovations and maintaining the space nice and clean.

volunteers planting seedlings , volunteers planting seedlings , volunteers planting seedlings , plants , seedlings , volunteers planting seedlings , volunteers planting seedlings , volunteer planting seedlings , volunteer in the shade house

Good evening all,

Just a quick reminder for our weekly work session tomorrow - we'll continue with seedlings trays, repotting trees, and other projects at the nursery. We've had a couple weeks there now and made some really great progress - many thanks to everyone who's come along!

Meeting @ 3pm at the FOLD nursery, as usual.

With all the best.


We had a great crew at the nursery last Sunday: we cleaned up and planted a few pots of cushion bushes, dianella grass and olearia. We planted many trays of muntries and native rosemary from cuttings. We also trasplanted seedlings of tea trees and sheoaks.

Next Sunday we will continue with seedlings trays, repotting trees, and other projects at the nursery. Come by and meet us there at 3pm.

volunteers planting seedlings , volunteers planting seedlings , volunteers planting seedlings , lizard , nursery

Good evening all, I hope your weekend is going well so far.

Just a quick reminder for our work session tomorrow. We have seeding / cutting trays to fill and a beach cleanup if the crew in attendance is keen! We'll meet at the nursery at 3pm and go from there.

Thanks very much.
